Thoughts Rants Defeats Accomplishments
...Just Me

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Thank goodness I have books to entertain myself. It's great to escape from the backwoods society surrounding me. Day in and day out I have to deal with complete idiots whether it be my co-workers, the customers, or the locals. I am in middle GA now but plan to leave within the year. I have spent too much time in this state already. Ugh. Hopefully, there are normal, educated people still living in this country. I intend to find them in an urban location and put down some roots. I have done some traveling around the states, but I have a few cities left on my wish list to visit. One is St. Augustine, FL, the oldest city in the country. I love history and want to see the remaining structures and tour the museums. Another is Boston. From everything I have read and seen on the Travel Channel, it appears to be a very educated, active city. Another is LA. I want to see the Stars on the Boulevard since I love film. Plus, actually seeing Hollyweird where all the nutty celebs live would be surreal. Another city is Las Vegas. Come on, everyone has to go there once in their lifetime. I'm not a gambling person, it doesn't appeal to me, but I want to see the shows. Oh the shows! I hear they are fantastic. Top on my list right now is New York City. Again, another city you must see in your lifetime. Broadway, Time Square, Central Park, Manhattan, The Statue of Liberty, and The Brooklyn Bridge! Oh, the history there is mind boggling. I want to start with traveling the US, but I fully intend to broaden my horizons to Europe and take a few cruises to the Caribbean. I wish I had more time and money to travel now, but I'll keep filling my traveling account little by little and soon I'll be member of the tourist league.

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