Thoughts Rants Defeats Accomplishments
...Just Me

Saturday, September 18, 2010

RH of NJ: Finale!

Madness! Absolute Madness! Nothing was resolved. Crazy Danielle denied, denied, denied, and denied everything, including items caught on film!!! CRAZY AZZ BIOTCH! At least it's official, she is G.O.N.E.!!!!!! GONE!!!!! Whoo-hoo!!! Next season will be Danielle free! I hope Dina returns, but I bet she won't. It's rumored that Teresa's sister-in-law, whom she allegedly hates, will be joining the show as the new "villain". hmmm Thankfully, Caroline was herself and stood her ground, calling out all of Danielle's bullshit. Teresa was too Teresa and over the top, while Jacqueline was fake. I wish Andy Cohen had pushed a bit harder with Danielle and called out her lies, but I guess he already knew that she was a goner from the series and didn't see the point in rocking the boat. So much for the closure.

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