Thoughts Rants Defeats Accomplishments
...Just Me

Sunday, February 28, 2010


People are so ridiculous. If you don't want to be with someone anymore, tell them! Deal with it! Breakup, divorce, move out, whatever you need to do to end it with one person before beginning something with another! I have a co-worker that I thought I knew morally pretty well. Man was I wrong! Talk about truths coming out! One co-worker who is in a tumultuous relationship with his now estranged wife pending divorce was let go. The crazy wife is now calling work and pointing fingers at some girls that work there as reasons for the divorce. Those of us in the know, totally thought it was BS. No way. Not these were we wrong. The truth slowly emerged today as "friends" of those concerned began to throw them under the bus secret by secret. One in particular swore up and down it was totally crap. I always viewed her as sweet and quiet until today. No more. She is a very good actress. A fellow co-worker in the know lives near this girl and saw the guy's truck parked around the corner from her place. Wow. So the crazy ex is right. There was and still is an affair in full force. Good thing the divorce papers are in the mail for all those concerned. I'm still a tad shocked at how much crap unfolded. That guy worked with us for 2 years and evidently had numerous indiscretions going on around the work place. Wow. It was well played on the down low.
People that are cowards and choose to cheat to get out of relationships make me sick. I will never be able to look at that girl in particular ever again the same way. Since I have been the victim of a very nasty cheating situation I cannot find it in me to not look at her differently. It will be quite a challenge to rock the fa sad, but somehow, I will have to tap into some acting skills of my own to work with her.

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