Thoughts Rants Defeats Accomplishments
...Just Me

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

RH of DC/RH of NJ

I watched the premier of RH of DC the other night and it was boring. I'm still on the fence about any of the cast members except the Salahis, a.k.a. The White House Dinner Crashers. They suck. Bad, bad, bad casting choice, Bravo! That one choice almost kills the entire show. At least the fellow cast members are being real about their feelings and mostly excluding that train wreck couple from their events. We'll see how it goes after the second episode.

I just finished watching the latest episode of RH of NJ. FINALLY A GREAT ALMOST DANIELLE FREE EPISODE!!!! This was the best episode ever of NJ. I loved watching the two huge families head out to Italy for impromptu vacation. Thank you, Bravo, for not wasting anymore screen time with the grinch lookalike. I wish NJ had more episodes showing the families interacting and doing normal, cool things together. Drama filled episodes do not always make for better tv. Sometimes the viewers get burnt out and want a break. This whole season has been the same topic stuck on repeat. It was very refreshing to see something different. Now if Bravo would only drop the crazy biatch for good and continue making NJ episodes like these I would be more of a fan.

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