Thoughts Rants Defeats Accomplishments
...Just Me

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Visited the 'Rents

I just came home from traveling to see my parents. It's still the same-o same-o there. I don't visit much because they make my blood pressure rise. They are just too small minded and sheltered thinking for me. I hate the way my mom waits hand and foot on my father. Dumb old mentality. Also, my dad is just as selfish as he always was. The one thing that ticks me off more than anything about him is how he fakes that he cares what anyone else thinks by asking, "Where do you wanna go?" "What do you want to eat?" "Oh, you want to not go in Wal-Mart? Ok." Fifteen minutes later... "Let's pile in the truck and go to Wal-Mart." Then pretend to be surprised when we all state that we just said we didn't want to do that. That statement receives a sideways, half-hearted, "Oh." and continues to go outside to get in the truck, honks the horn after maybe two minutes later hollering what's taking so long for the rest of us to get in the truck. Selfish. They are also extremely paranoid about everything. They freaked out because I wanted to go for a walk through the subdivision they live in. It's a very nice middle-class to upper-middle-class neighborhood. Ridiculous. I was so irritated there. I couldn't wait to leave. Nothing's changed since I left home. Nothing ever will. I'm so glad I got out as soon as I turned 18.

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