Thoughts Rants Defeats Accomplishments
...Just Me

Monday, March 29, 2010

Kelly Cutrone

I just finished Kelly Cutrone's self improvement book, If You Have To Cry, Go Outside, And Other Things Your Mother Never Told You. It was a great, quick read for any business woman and just women in general. All of her advice can be applied to work, relationships, and just everyday life. Kelly Cutrone has built her own PR firm empire called People's Revolution from the ground up over the last 13 years after insane life set backs. She became a household name after guest starring in the MTV reality hit, The City. She was Whitney Port's boss in NYC. Now she has her own hit show on Bravo called Kell On Earth. I like the show. It's very real and not a bunch of cattiness like The City. Of course, it's a different concept reality program geared at a totally different audience. She can count me as a fan and she is an inspiration to women everywhere trying to live our own versions of "The American Dream" on our terms.

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