Thoughts Rants Defeats Accomplishments
...Just Me

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Golden Globes

A great year! One of the most entertaining ones in a very, very, very long time. Ricky was hilarious, absolutely hilarious. My two favorite moments from him... 1. Introducing Colin Farrell with the stereotype cracks at Irish men who swear, drink too much, and misbehave. 2. Introducing Mel Gibson with the beer glass and commenting how much he loves his liquor, but here's someone who loves it a bit more. AWESOME!! All of the presenters took the ribbing in stride and even contributed to their own mini roasts. Robert Downey Jr.'s anti-thank you acceptance speech was great. It was really good to see Sandra Bullock and Drew Barrymore win their awards after several nominations each over the years without any wins. Meryl was a shoe-in with two nods in one catagory, but well deserved. I don't follow tv scripted programs anymore, so all the tv awards were beyond me. I haven't seen Avatar or Up In The Air yet, but I evidently need to. I really wanted to see Grey Gardens and Young Victoria...come on DVD!!! All in all, a very entertaining year.

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