Thoughts Rants Defeats Accomplishments
...Just Me

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lost in Thought

I went to work today and finally made some solid progress on my latest "major project". I was already confident in the success of it, but now I'm really sure it will run smooth. The staff this morning didn't need tons of "babysitting" like some do so that made it much easier.
When I got home, I immediately went to the gym. I went yesterday and finally kick started my gym routine again. I'm really proud of myself. It's been too long since I stayed on a routine. I'm trying to find a good weight sculpting DVD to use at home. I love jogging on the treadmill or hoping on the elliptical machine. It lets me clear my head and relax. My goal is to get back in shape before my trip to CA in a few months. I have to get back in that bikini shape. It's ORANGE COUNTY! I have to hold my own against those beach bunnies.

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