Thoughts Rants Defeats Accomplishments
...Just Me

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Life... My Way

My parents met as teens working at McDonalds. My father was a star jock of his backwoods high school in the swamps of SC. My mother was an overachiever from an old blue-blood family, minus the money, at a Catholic School in the big city. Two completely different worlds. They followed what was "expected" of them. "Old south mentality". Get married at 20 and 18. Have first child within 2 years of marriage. Have second child 5 years later. I was later than planned because my brother has a slew of medical issues and they were afraid of another child following suit. Luckily, I'm healthy as a horse...too healthy. I've never broken a bone or sprained anything. No allergies...nothing.

As for me following the "expected" rules of a southern girl...not so much. BIG fail in that department. I did marry as my mother did, at age 18, to my "high school sweetheart", but it ended in divorce a short 4 years later while serving active duty in the AF along side my then husband. After 9/11 and one too many bad calls in my book by the military/government, I left when my contract ended. It took a few years to adjust to civilian life. I ended up rooming with a very good friend until life
took him on a new adventure. I met someone soon after. I thought I had it figured out then, but I was wrong. He ended up being a very bad seed. My only regret is that I didn't notice it sooner. After that experience, I took a lot of time for myself. No more thinking of anyone else first. I did what people tend to describe as "soul searching", but I call it "finding and loving myself". I am not the "typical southern girl" longing for husband, kids, and picket fences. I don't have a clock ticking away inside. I never have. Kids do not appeal to me in any fashion. I love my cat. She's my child and the only one I ever want. During my time alone, I discovered that I love to cook, travel, write, and most of all be INDEPENDENT. I love having my own opinions and being able to fully voice them without guilt or rebuke. I even began to enjoy truly being all alone with just my cat. I use to fear eating alone at a restaurant or sitting alone in a movie theater, but now I enjoy the peace and quiet. I take a book or my writing and enjoy a nice meal or go see whatever movie I want, even if it's a chick flick. While enjoying my new lease on life I met someone unexpected. He came out of nowhere and completely changed my view of men. He is like nothing I have ever experienced. He LOVES my independence. It's been over a year and that hasn't diminished like I expected, ya know, the honeymoon phase. He ENCOURAGES me to enjoy life and the things I want to do. He is also a traveler who doesn't want children. How lucky am I? I get to enjoy my life on my terms WITH someone by my side. I'm throwing the expectations and southern rule book out the window! As Frank would say... I'm doing life MY WAY!

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