Thoughts Rants Defeats Accomplishments
...Just Me

Thursday, July 29, 2010


I saw Inception this past Sunday. INCREDIBLE MOVIE!!!! A MUST SEE!!!! It is now one of my favorite mind-fuck movies of all time! The plot twists, the layers of fantasy and reality, the complete structure of it's understanding and storyline are just AMAZING! I cannot say more than this. It's too good to spoil. Go see for yourselves!

Disney Puzzle

I finished a Disney Panoramic puzzle last night. It only took a few hours the night before and a few last night to complete it. I bought puzzle glue to preserve it. I'm excited to see the finished product. I wonder if I'll be able to find a frame that will fit though because it is 37 inches long and 12 inches wide. That's a very odd shape for a picture frame. The Disney puzzle features all villains, my favorite characters most of the time. Maleficent, Ursula, Scar, Chesire Cat (although I never saw him as a villain of Alice, just another nut running loose), The Evil Queen, The Queen of Hearts, Captain Hook, Hades, Cruella, and some guy from Mulan. It's rare for me to do a puzzle so I'm not sure if I'll do another one anytime soon.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What I Want

What I want from life has outwardly changed over the years, but deep down I have always known what I really want. I'm so glad to have finally found someone that I can reveal it to that actually wants the exact same thing. I want to see the world, no kids in tow, watch the sunrises over hot cups of gourmet coffee, and see the sun set over a glass of wine each day. I want to be close enough to the ocean to be able to walk from my house and put my toes in the sand and enjoy the gentle crashing of the waves and the cawing of the seagulls any time I want. I want to surround myself in a community with knowledge, insight, and progressive movement. I want to have every foreign and American food possible at my fingertips. I want theaters that display all kinds of entertainment from classical ballets to contemporary musicals to witty, underground plays. I want green, luscious parks to have picnics or to enjoy a good book. I don't need a fancy, large mansion. I just need a small, cozy cottage house for us and any visiting family. I have had enough turmoil to last my lifetime and just want peace, love, fun, and happiness for the rest of it. I believe I will find this pot of dreams at the end of the rainbow in California. I believe it is attainable and I will be blogging one day from the beach.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Awesome Trip!!

Just got back from Charleston!! We had an awesome trip! We went to the aquarium, rode a carriage tour, ate at A.W. Shucks, had Discovery Ice Cream from a robot, and rode in a pedicab. It was a relaxing, laid back vacation. The most relaxing one I have ever taken. I can't even pick a favorite part, it was all just so incredible. I picked up two more shot glasses for my collection. I've been looking at display cases on ebay this afternoon. I really need to display my large collection. At the end of the first night, we went right next door to the hotel to Toast, a very comfortable neighborhood restaurant and bar, and picked out a slice of homemade pecan pie with two cups of milk to go. It was soooo good. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. mmm.... The second night, we went back to Toast, this time for dinner and dessert. A local one man show was playing live. He was entertaining. I really hope he makes it one day, but he needs some original songs. He played only covers while we were there, but he took all requests so that was impressive to play anything on the spot. This time for dessert, we had the chocolate cream pie with a mocha. The pie was delicious, but I wish I had taken a slice of pecan pie again as well. mmm... I'm going to have to make some myself. What a great time. I love that city. It's like going home for me. I feel like I belong and that's something I don't feel anywhere else. Thanks for the memories, Charleston. xoxox

Saturday, July 10, 2010


YEAH!!!!!! ALMOST TIME!!!! After do laundry in a few days, I will begin my packing!!!!! I am soooo excited. I have my hotel confirmation printed out and directions bookmarked. I have narrowed down my choices for a really nice dinner while in town. It's between a modern experience and a paranormal one. Poogan's Porch is high on my list and one of the previous owners of the old house haunts the building which is now a restaurant. The woman was one of two spinster sisters who were school marms. Unfortunately, the one that is still hanging around was the nasty one of the two. She evidently loves to scare women in the small bathroom so I won't be using that while I'm there if I can help it. That is, if we choose to go there. Woo-hoo!!! Charleston!!! It's been a decade since I visited!

Shame on Mel Gibson

I use to love Mel Gibson and his movies in the 80s and 90s. Now, I am disgusted by him, his actions, and his beliefs. Another icon bites the dust. After the latest fall outs in his ridiculous life, his career is over. Nobody will pay to see him and nobody will pay to have him in their film. His own representatives dumped him from their agency. Either the alcohol has really messed him up over the years or he used to be very good at hiding his true personality from the public for several decades. By the way, the media is so concerned about the Russian Gold Digger, but nobody is talking about what kind of life his wife must have had for the almost 20 years she was married to this scumbag. Also, I wonder what Danny Glover's thoughts are on Mel after starring with him in all those Lethal Weapon movies and now hearing how racist he is. I wonder what their relationship was like on set for all those years? Go back to Australia, Mate.

Reading In Unfamiliar Territory

I am reading a mystery novel which I normally don't. Romances and mysteries are too obvious or boring and repetitive. I am reading the latest book in a southern mystery series though, so it still falls into my southern fiction niche. It's Bone Appetit by Carolyn Haines. Not only is it funny and interesting, but it's filled with paranormal touches, another favorite topic of mine. These two best friends have formed a P.I. service and one of the women can see and speak to a ghost that haunts her family's plantation home. The ghost, Tinkie, was her great grandmother's nanny when she lived. Funny name. It is set in the Mississippi Delta, but they are currently supposed to be on vacation where unbeknown to them, a beauty pageant was being held. Just think of the movie, Drop Dead Gorgeous. Very, very similar murder and attacks are going on and I haven't figured it out yet like I normally do so that's good. I'm considering going back and reading the earlier books in this series, especially if this one ends up being a great read.

Bethenny Frankel (Hoppy)

Bravo finally posted some episodes of Bethenny Getting Married?. It took long enough. I had given up hope and stopped checking everyday. It has actually been a few weeks since I checked their site. Danielle on RHoNJ completely turned me off from that show, but I still want to see Bethenny. The two episodes were great! The second was the ceremony. What an amazing simple, yet elegant wedding! My heart really felt for her when she had a mini breakdown at the officiant's home when asked who from her family will be attending and she had to say "No one." Poor Bethenny. Jason is awesome though. He told her she has a family now, him and their child. I wouldn't have chosen her wedding dress for myself, but it looked amazing on her. It was a perfect choice to minimize her belly. Congrats, Bethenny and Jason Hoppy!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Food Stamp Program Needs More Rules! and Other Related Rants

I was in line at Wal-mart purchasing a handful of items, staring at the pile of items on the belt in front of mine when I realized it was all junk food; two 24 packs of Coke, five different flavors of Lays fried potato chips, a bag of assorted mini candy bars, one gallon of whole milk, and about 10 assorted frozen Banquet meals. It was all piled high and being slowly scanned by the cashier when the girl purchasing it all reached into her designer, not a knockoff, handbag to retrieve what I thought would be her debit card, but nope, it was a FOOD STAMP CARD! I became completely pissed off and annoyed that I as a working late 20s girl with my own place, have to scrimp and save to buy myself "extras" after paying all of my bills, and pay taxes just so this girl in front of me, who could not be older than 23, could buy CRAP for herself and her toddler who was running wild at the front of the store unsupervised. Just as I begin to internally calm myself, she pulls out two crisp $20s and demands a carton of cigs, not asks, but barks out the name AND IT'S EXACT LOCATION ON THE SHELF BEHIND THE CASHIER! Obviously, she's an old hand at purchasing this particular item. The government needs to set strict, real rules for purchasing food with those cards. And I don't want to hear the "single mom" excuse. She should have thought about that before she opened her legs. Food stamps should be used to feed real meals to herself and her child, NOT crap, snacks, and soda. Imagine my surprise to come home and find a top story on Yahoo about possible changes to the system. I say, "HELL, YEAH!! WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?! PASS THE DAMN LAW!!!" Assistance programs need to be used for those that truly need assistance, not lazy morons abusing the system. Yes, the economy is bad and people are struggling to find jobs, but there are jobs out there still. They just happen to be the jobs "nobody wants". Well, if you're in a unemployment state and really want to get out of it, sometimes you have to accept jobs below "your standards". Better yet, advocate that our government quit giving away jobs to overseas companies, especially on the basis that "Americans won't work for what they want to pay". Make the companies pay decent wages to Americans. The company heads can afford yachts, summer houses in The Hamptons, and Caribbean vacations during Christmas, so they can afford to pay decent wages here at home! Greedy S.O.Bs. Also, don't give bail outs to the same greedy company heads! DUH!